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Challenges Faced by Startups and ‎Small and Medium Enterprises: A ‎Case Study of Kabul Province ‎

Mr. Qais Mohammadi, Mr. Muhibullah Zamani, Mr. Mohammad Rafiq Mokhles

Volume 2 Issue 4 | Dec 2019

DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2021.44

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This paper makes an endeavour to evaluate the challenges faced by ‎Startups and Small Medium Enterprises in Kabul Afghanistan during 2017 ‎and 2018. It outlines an approach to learning how startups perceive the ‎impact of input constraints related to market, finance, labor, regulation, ‎technical, etc. on their success. The paper sheds light on the identification ‎of such constraints and challenges from the perspective of managers and ‎entrepreneurs. The study employs inductive approach of thematic analysis ‎to analyze the outcomes of the four sessions of focus group discussions ‎conducted with the managers or founders of startups, SMEs, and ‎government officials. Meanwhile, the paper recommends specific measures ‎suggested by the related authorities from the government and non-‎government sectors to secure the survival and growth of startups. ‎Prevalence of government regulation, including but not limited to; ‎taxation, bureaucratic licensing, along with complicated procedures are ‎some of the most critical challenges faced by Startups and Small Medium ‎Enterprises in Kabul. ‎

Keywords: Startups, SMEs, entrepreneurship, private sector, economic growth