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Effect of Performance Appraisal on Employees Attitude toward work In International Non-Governmental Sector

Prof. Waqas Khan Shinwari, Mr. Qais Rahimi

Volume 1 Issue 3 | Jul 2018


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This research aimed to measure effect of performance appraisal on employees’ attitude toward work performance. For the objective, the study used data from international Non-Governmental Organizations (I-NGOs) in Kabul. The study used structured questionnaire to analyze the effect of performance appraisal on employee’s attitude towards work. Primary data was collected mainly from senior, middle, and lower level management. A sample of 150 respondents were selected based on purposive sampling technique. The effect was analyzed through correlation and regression analysis. The results indicated that 360 degree and peer review appraisal significantly affect the employees’ attitude towards work. But the 360-degree appraisal has negative effect, the possible reason may be the negative connotation of punishment attached with 360-degree appraisal. Self-review was found with no effect on attitude towards work. Performance appraisal had an impact on employees’ performance, thus, when appraisal is fairly done, employees tend to be motivated and it reflects in their work output. On the other side, when it’s poorly done employees become bitter and it affects their performance. Effective and fair performance appraisal process would enhance employees’ performance. This study recommends that performance appraisal should be used as a supporting tool for policy making. Employees should be ensured of transparency in appraisal process and it must be made sure that employees’ perceive appraisal process as a tool of workforce development.