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Low execution rate of developmental budget in Sectorial Ministries of Afghanistan: Causes and Remedies

Mr. Mohammad Azeem Ruhani, Prof. Dr. Kalimullah Khan

Volume 2 Issue 1 | Mar 2019

DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2021.62

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This study aims to explore factors causing low execution rate of developmental budgets in sectorial ministries of Afghanistan. Furthermore, improvement factors of low execution rate of developmental budgets are also explored in the current study. Interpretivist philosophy, inductive approach and phenomenological method of qualitative methodology is employed. Interpretation in a hermeneutic manner is used for the analysis purpose by following a naturalistic inquiry method. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with twelve respondents from the ministries facing the low execution rate of developmental budgets in Afghanistan. This study concludes the findings with low capacity, corruption, lack of monitoring and evaluation, lack of time management, lack of proper administrative structure and insecurity are the factors causing low execution rate of developmental budgets. Furthermore, the improvement factors concluded in this study are time management in terms of funds disbursement, qualified personnel, and changes in administrative structure, public and media engagement, independent monitoring bodies, merit and performance based system, and the secure environment. Future research may be conducted to explore how aforementioned factors can be implemented in ministries of Afghanistan.