Leveraging Management Policies to Stimulate Creativity and Innovation in Multinational Organizations: Evidence from Nestle Nigeria PLC Zekeri Abu, Kayode Muhammed Ibrahim
Financial Inclusion and Household Empowerment: Examining the Mediating Role of Entrepreneurial Intentions at Rana University, Kabul Sayed Nadeem Sadat, Imran Rafiq, Abdul Basit Durani
Exploring The Causes of Youth’s Tendency Using Tobaccos (Smoking) And Related Factors in Kabul Polytechnic University from 2022-2024 Tahmina Sabir, Ahmad Muneer Wahidi
The Moderating Role of Environmental Commitment in the Relationship Between Environmental Management and Employee Green Performance: An Evidence from Banking Sector of Afghanistan Nazim Ahmad Noomyalai, Faizan Ahmad, Shahzad Anwar, Omid Khaksaar
The Impact of Situational Leadership on Employees Performance with Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction in the Health Sector of Afghanistan Mohammad Tariq Muhammad Fayaz (PhD)