Spring 2025 Entry Test Results

Debate Club


The Kardan University Debate Club is organized for the purpose of improving students' ability to effectively participate in argumentation sessions, research and organize information, think critically, and speak in public. Members learn the basics of argumentation and debating through regular team practices and participation in various competitions.

Club Activities

  • Representing Kardan University in national and international tournaments
  • Havingweekly on campus practice sessions
  • Working to build strong communication skills
  • Studying different resources in order to acquire general knowledge
  • Working on their public speaking skills

The Debate Club was started nearly a year ago with six debaters as its first members. Within the first month of its formation, club members participated in an intervarsity debate tournament organized by Afghans for Progressive Thinking (APT). Among 24 competing teams, two Kardan University debaters were selected as the best speakers of the tournament.

Since then, the club membership has grown to nearly 50 debaters with 20 – 25 of them attending club sessions regularly.

With the help from the office of Student Involvement and Events,Debate Club has selected its president and vice president through a clear and transparent election process. After the election the president started to make connections with the other debate clubs and debate organizations to work more on the sessions and train the debaters and keep them updatedon the British Parliamentary Debate skills and techniques.

Thereare sessions held per week on Thursdays from 2.30 to 4.30 and one session a month outside the university at APT. This session is to help the debaters to interact with other debaters from outside and increase their knowledge and self-confidence which is a key skill in debating.

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