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Understanding Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan: A Review of its Reasons, ‎Objectives and Ramifications

Mr. Sidiqullah Sahel

Volume 2 Issue 2 | Dec 2019

DOI: 10.31841/KJSSH.2021.28

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The ideological rivalry between USA and USSR, as exponents of Capitalism and Communism respectively, led to cold war between the two super powers where they focused on finding a buffer state for their antagonism. Afghanistan became victim of the same rivalry where the two powers strived to preserve their hegemonic interests by funding, financing and arming their allies. Soviet Union invaded the country for preserving socialism and strengthening communist bloc, which astonished the world and reacted to the invasion as threat to peace, Afghans too resisted the invasion and with the help of foreign allies successfully defeated USSR, but the woes of Afghanistan did not reduce after the withdrawal of red troops, and the dreams of millions of Afghans for establishing a peaceful and prosperous government were all belied. The miseries continued after the breakdown of communist regime, and the holly fighters turned their guns on each other for acquiring power, which pushed the country into civil wars and formation of Taliban and radicalism.