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Marxism, Marxian Theories of Law and Pakistan’s Experience with Socialism

Prof. (Dr). Muhammad Munir

Volume 1 Issue 2 | Dec 2018

DOI: 10.31841/KJSSH.2021.16

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There are three basic assumptions in the Marxist theories of law, first, that law is the product of economic forces; secondly, law is considered to be the tool of the ruling class to maintain its powers over the ruled; finally, that law will wither away in the future communist society. However, according to Engels, state in the future will disappear. The third assumption has been repudiated and a novel concept is evolved that of ‘socialist legality’. However, in different communist countries, either the first or the second of the words in ‘socialist legality’ has been stressed. Pakistan has done some experiments with socialism by nationalizing private industries, properties and excess land. However, the highest Court in Pakistan ruled that Bhutto’s land reforms were against the Injunctions of Islam.