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Balancing Interests: China's Pragmatic Engagement with Post-withdrawal Afghanistan

Jalal Bazwan

Volume 6 Issue 2 | Dec 2023


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The resurgence of the Taliban prompted China to reconsider its approach towards Afghanistan, striking a balance between safeguarding its economic interests and pursuing strategic objectives while simultaneously grappling with security concerns. While the rise of the Taliban poses security challenges, China recognizes the potential for economic cooperation, particularly in resource development and infrastructure connectivity. However, China remains cautious because of the risk of non-state actors exploiting Afghanistan as a safe haven. China's approach to Afghanistan involves fostering connections with the Taliban, contributing to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and promoting regional peace and stability. China seeks to cooperate cautiously with the Taliban on economic projects while emphasizing counterterrorism efforts. China also engages with regional partners to promote its stability and development. The key to China's success in Afghanistan lies in its ability to balance security imperatives with economic pursuits and strategic objectives. This delicate balancing act is crucial to ensuring regional stability and fostering development in Afghanistan.
Keywords: Re-emergence of Taliban, China, Geopolitical Ambition, Interest in Afghanistan