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Representation of Afghan Peace and War News on National and International Television from the Audience's Perspective: TOLO News and Voice of America – Persian Televisions

Mohammad Essa Sakhawati, and Sekandar Maihanyar

Volume 6 Issue 1 | Jun 2023

DOI: 10.31841/KJSSH-6.1-2023-58

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The news of war and peace in Afghanistan has been in the headlines of national and international media for many years now. In this research, the representation of this news in two news netwroks: one national and one international news networks (TOLO
News and Voice of America-Persian) has been anlaysed from the perspective of the Afghan society. The statistical data of this research has been collected by a survey method with a questionnaire tool. The statistical population of this research is the audience of news channels randomly surveyed in different cities of Afghanistan with various personal characteristics. The sample size in this research was 385 people and the results of distributed and collected data were analyzed using "SPSS" software. The theories used in the theoretical foundations of this research are two practical and essential theories of communication: "gatekeeping theory and representation theory." The research findings are presented in two levels of data description (one-dimensional tables) and data analysis (two-dimensional tables). The findings of the research show that in the representation of the events related to war and peace in Afghanistan, the Voice of America-Persian television channel has the most censorship of the facts of these events in their news coverage compared to TOLOnews TV, and TOLOnews has more pacifist policy in covering these news events. On the other hand, the Voice of America TV has used less pacifist policy in covering these events.
Keywords: News coverage, Representation, Gatekeeping, Audience, Television, War, Peace, TOLOnews, Voice of America-Persian.