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Women’s Economic Empowerment: From Deprivation to Sustenance

Dr. Parita S Shah

Volume 5 Issue 1 | Jun 2022


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Traditional roles for women have always defined them as housewives. However, this role is changing in many societies, and societies have accepted the change and are treating both genders equally. This is based on Agenda 2030, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the World Congress on Women. The focus of this paper is on women’s economic empowerment using a case study analysis and how women’s living standards have been uplifted. The paper uses the principle of "leave no one behind" and the theory of feminism in poverty to explain the case studies. These case studies have been analyzed through desktop review. The findings indicate that if women were educated, then they would be financially secure and relieved from poverty. Gender inequality would then be reduced, and women would be economically empowered. Communities and individuals need to move out of their cultural cocoons and accept the reality that women need to be respected and economically empowered in society for their wellbeing. For this to happen, education for girls and women is a must, as are equal pay, promotions, and advocacy and policies on equality for women.