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Insurgency and Displacement: ‎A Study ‎of Kashmiri Pandits

Dr. Inam Ul Haq

Volume 4 Issue 1 | Jun 2021

DOI: 10.31841/KJSSH.2021.6

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The valley of Kashmir is known for hospitality, brotherhood, and ‎harmony from ‎ancient times. The ‎minority sections like Hindus, Sikhs, ‎and Buddhists were the ‎counterparts of peaceful coexistence ‎and ‎cultural harmony known as ‎Kashmiriyat. The identity of Kashmiriyat ‎was distinct, neither part ‎of India nor ‎Pakistan because the culture and ‎love among Muslims and Hindus were having ‎the ‎same taste, language, ‎history, and tradition, which is still visible. The unity in ‎diversity ‎evident ‎from the blend of various religious ideologies in the state made ‎‎the advancement of cultural affairs rather than warfare- the breakout of ‎‎insurgency. It was ‎‎1980’s when the seeds of fundamentalism were ‎sown with the ‎help of foreign countries and ‎added fuel to the fire of ‎armed rebellion. The result ‎was that non-state actors took the ‎‎advantage of the distortion and targeted the ‎Pandits for their ends and ‎created an ‎atmosphere of fear, insecurity and forced ‎them to migrate ‎the other states of India. It was not ‎only Pandits, who suffered ‎but it was ‎also Muslims who became the victim of state actors in the ‎conflict. ‎This ‎paper aims to look at the displacement of Kashmiri Pandits, ‎rehabilitation, ‎and ‎the state response. Besides that, it would also ‎highlight the nature of human ‎rights violations occurring through the ‎hands of the state and non-state actors. ‎‎Keywords: Kashmiriyat, Kashmir Conflict, Insurgency, Displacement, Narratives ‎and Rehabilitation ‎