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Design and Analysis of ‎Single-bit Ternary Band-pass ‎Digital Filter

Mr. Zahid Ali, Mr. Chandar Kumar and Mr. Chaman Lal‎

Volume 2 Issue 1 | Dec 2020

DOI: 10.31841/KJET.2021.14

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Recently, various general-purpose sigma-delta modulation based ‎general purpose DSP algorithms have been ‎reported that possess simpler ‎multiplier complexity, lower power consumption and less chip area ‎features. Here in ‎exploration, our goal is to carry on designing a ternary-bit ‎DSP algorithm in which significant design element is a ‎sigma delta ‎modulator. The formation sigma - delta (SDM) has an amount of very ‎pleasant and attractive ‎possessions and inborn linearity which is ‎extensively consumed in communication systems. Signal is ‎sampled more ‎than that of Nyquist rate commonly word used oversampling and ‎classically have a very short word ‎length (i-e one-bit, binary or ternary) in ‎sigma delta modulation technique. In this paper the design and simulation ‎‎of ternary Band pass digital filter using sigma-delta modulation done in ‎Mat-lab at different over-sampling ratio ‎and compare it to multi-bit Band ‎pass digital filter.‎

Keywords: Sigma-Delta Modulation, Single-bit, Ternary, Over-sampling ‎ratio