Mr. Fazal U Rahman Mehrabi
Volume 2 Issue 1 | Dec 2020
DOI: 10.31841/KJET.2021.11
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System strengthening and stiffening are the most common seismic performance improvement strategies adopted for buildings with inadequate lateral force resisting systems. most retrofit systems that increase structural strength, such as the addition of walls or frames, will also increase structural stiffness. Exceptions to this are relatively local-retrofit measures that strengthen existing elements without greatly altering their stiffness. The effect of strengthening a structure is to increase the amount of total lateral Force required initiating damage events within the structure. If this strengthening is done without stiffening, then the effect is to permit the structure to achieve larger lateral displacements without damage. The seismic response of RC building frame in terms of various parameters such as base shear, storey displacement, performance point and the effect of earthquake forces on multi storey building frame with the help of pushover analysis is carried out in this paper. In the present study a building frame without Bracing, shear wall and with Bracing, shear wall is designed as per Indian standard. IS 456-2000 and IS 1893-2002. The main objective of this study is to check the kind of performance a building can give when designed as per Indian Standards and also to determine the effect of providing shear wall and Bracing to building frame. The pushover analysis of the building frame is carried out by using structural analysis and design software SAP 2000. Further, the importance of Shear wall and bracing and its contribution for strengthening is also discussed.
Keywords: Moment resistance, Shear Wall, Bracing, Base Shear, Capacity Curve, Performance Point