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Historicity of Gender and the ‎Scope of Glass Ceiling

Dr. Indu Shekhar, Dr. Ved Prakash and Mr. ‎Marshal Birua ‎

Volume 3 Issue 2 | Dec 2020

DOI: 10.31841/KJSSH.2021.38

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The article traces the overthrow of matriarchy and evolution of ‎monogamy ‎historically and discusses the concepts, methods and ‎approaches and units ‎of research along with the examination of Glass ‎Ceiling hypothesis of Baxter ‎and Wright. In the last, it highlights the ‎inadequacies and limitations of ‎existing models and considers gender as a ‎special case in India The article ‎deals with the issue of gender historically ‎with the overthrow of matriarchy ‎which influenced the status of women ‎with the establishment of monogamy ‎and patriarchy, and shows the way ‎out from this problem by suggesting the ‎entitlement from the family as ‎the beginning of the elevation of the status. ‎The article also deals with the ‎popular hypothesis of Glass Ceiling prevalent ‎in western society and does ‎not find much applicability in the Indian context. ‎The article raises many ‎questions related to the conceptual and theoretical ‎edifice of gender ‎studies with special reference to the unit of study, methods ‎and ‎approaches delineating the lacunae and lead.‎

Keywords: Gender, Glass and Historicity. ‎