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India and Pakistan Rivalry in Afghanistan: A new Imperialism in the Making?

Mr. Mohammad Kawsar Dawlatzai

Volume 3 Issue 1 | Jun 2020

DOI: 10.31841/KJSSH.2021.34

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Since the independence of India and Pakistan in 1947, they have been striving for gaining power in Afghanistan. The losses of Pakistan in Afghanistan are considered by India as a victory and vice versa. The adversaries of both countries have been so strong and deep rooted that both India and Pakistan miss no chance to ‘checkmate’ each other on the soil of Afghanistan. This paper looks in to the factors of Indo-Pak rivalry in Afghanistan. It also sheds light on the Indo-Afghan relations in geo-political and geo-strategic perspectives in Afghanistan. Moreover, the paper tends to evaluate interests of India and Pakistan and impact of Indo-Pak rivalry in Afghanistan.