Spring 2025 Entry Test Results

International Conference on Applied Multidisciplinary Research (ICAMR-2022)

Theme: Current Trends In Applied Multidisciplinary Research in Afghanistan

Important Dates:

Early Bird Paper Submission: September 7, 2022
Final Paper Submission: September 10, 2022
Acceptance Notification: September 15, 2022
Conference Registration: September 18, 2022

For Submissions:

Selected papers will be published through Kardan Publishing in journals like; Kardan Journal of Economics and Management Sciences, Kardan Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Kardan Journal of Law, and Kardan Journal of Engineering and Technology.

About the Conference:

In the last 20 years, there have been major developmental trends in higher academic research in Afghanistan; albeit there still exists a greater gap. A large number of students have been graduating every year from universities and higher education institutions, but the research sector still remains recessive. To address this issue, and develop the research sector in Afghanistan, Kardan Journal has taken a leading role in this part and publishes research journals (Kardan Journal of Economics and Management Sciences, Kardan Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Kardan Journal of Law, and Kardan Journal of Engineering and Technology), indexed with different leading publishing agencies, including ZBW, Library of Congress, BASE, RePEc, Ideas, Crossref, J-Gate, Index Copernicus International, and Google Scholar. There is an immediate need for multidisciplinary research to answer the issues which Afghanistan is facing as of now. Other than this, to promote the culture of academic research in Afghanistan, and introduce a platform for the researchers and academicians to publish their academic research work, Kardan University is hosting an international conference titled, “International Conference on Applied Multidisciplinary Research, on the 20th of September, 2022 at Taimani Conference Hall”. The International Conference on Applied Multidisciplinary Research will be a remarkable knowledge-sharing experience for sharing knowledge with academic experts, educationists, and policymakers in a truly national atmosphere. We are planning to invite a broad audience with a diversified background and interests to experience knowledge sharing. The conference audience is the researchers, learners, intellectuals, educationists, policymakers and other stakeholders interested in realizing the issues concerning the reforms in the research sector in Afghanistan. This unique knowledge-sharing experience discloses prospects for the betterment of the research sector in Afghanistan. The prime aim of this conference is to address a constellation of normative and empirical discussions concerning the current research trends by evaluating their impacts, challenges and solutions.

Themes and Sub Themes

Economics, Finance, Marketing and Management Sciences

International Economics, International Business, Financial Economics, Hospitality Management, Industrial and Management Optimization, Innovation Policy and the Economy, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Economic indicator, Total Quality Management (TQM), Value-based Management, Entrepreneurial Development, Management in Education, Classical Economics, Monetary Neutrality, Econometrics, New Economy, Welfare Economics, Development Economics, Economic Transparency,Human Resource Management, Marketing, Supply and Logistics Management, Operations management and Research, Game theory; Islamic Banking & Finance; Financial Systems & Market; Corporate Finance; Micro-Finance; Enterprise Risk Management; Behavioral Finance; International trade & Finance; Asset Pricing; Fin-Tech; Marketing & Consumer Behaviour; Strategic Marketing; Advertising Services Marketing; Islamic Marketing; Consumer Behaviour; Social Media & Digital Marketing; Entrepreneurial Management; Entrepreneurial Finance Entrepreneurial Marketing; Technology-based Entrepreneurship; Leadership; Diversity & Inclusion; Industrial Management; Health Management; Organizational Theory; International Business; Career Management; Public Administration; Strategic Management; Organizational Behaviour; Corporate Social responsibility; Business Ethics; Tourism & Hospitality Management; Human Resource Management; Supply Chain & Operations Management; Negotiation & Conflict Management; Project Management; Organizational Development & Change Management; Entrepreneurial Management; Entrepreneurial Finance; Entrepreneurial Marketing; and Technology-based Entrepreneurship.

Social Sciences and Humanities

Anthropology, Corporate governance, Criminology, Cross-cultural studies, Demography, Development Studies, Education, Ethics, Geography, History, Industrial Relations, Information Science, International Relations, Law, International Relations, Philosophy, Political Science, Population Studies, Psychology, Public Administration, Sociology, Social Welfare, Religious Studies, Women Studies; Political violence and terrorism; International security; Conflict between (and within) state and non-state actors; Institutional responses to conflict.

Law and Journalism

Lawyers and Legal Ethics in Conflict; Transition Lawyers and International Justice; Struggle for Justice; Human Rights and Development; Law Structure, Health Ecosystem; Justice and Legal Empowerment; Culture, and Identity; Civil Procedure and Alternatives to Litigation; Digital Economy and Legal Challenges; Protection of IPR in Digitalised World; Legal Issues in Digital Economy: The Impact of Disruptive Technologies in the Labour Market; International Trade Laws in the Digitalised World; Complexities of Competition and Consumerism in the Digital World; Crypto Currency and Legal Challenges; Digitization and Challenges in Legal Education; Online Education and its Impact on Legal Education; Education Policy in Afghanistan vis-a-vis Global Legal Education; Emerging Trends in Legal Service Delivery System like LegalTech and LawTech: Challenges in Legal Education; New Media, Right to Privacy and Democracy in Digitized World; Impact of Digitalisation on Privacy and Fundamental Rights; E-Governance and Cyber Security: A New Pandora's Box; New Media Regulation in the Digital Age; Challenges/Synergy in Policy Framing and Sustainable Development Goals in Post Covid Digitalized; Prospects of Global Disaster Management System to Meet Pandemic Threat in a Globalized World; Sustainable Development and Digitalization in the Post Pandemic Scenario; Employment Opportunities in the Global Digital Era Post Pandemic.

Engineering Sciences

Civil Engineering, Collaborative Engineering, Communication Engineering, Computational Science and Engineering, Structural Engineering including Steel, Composite, Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Structures; Bridge Structures; Structural Integrity; Composite Structures; Smart Structures; Structural Control; Fracture Mechanics; Modelling of Concrete Durability Form finding; Topology and Structural Morphology; Buckling and Stability; Linear and Non-linear Dynamics; Analysis of Semi-rigid Connections; Space, Tension and Shell Structures; Soil-Structure Interaction (static and dynamic); Analysis and Design of Pavements; Geotechnical Modelling, Analysis and Design; Numerical Modelling in Geotechnics; Foundation Engineering; Dam Engineering; Slope Design; Rock Mechanics; Ground Vibration; Environmental Engineering; Transport and Highways Engineering; Construction Automation and Robotics; Construction and Civil Engineering: Management and Productivity; Building Information Modelling; Project Management; Civil Engineering Surveying; Civil Engineering Management; Construction Lifetime Costs; Forensic Engineering; Water Resources Engineering; Environmental Modelling; Offshore Structures; Wind Engineering; Wind Turbines; Computer Controlled Site Instrumentation; Optimisation: Structural Optimisation and Sensitivity Analysis; Monitoring of Structures & Buildings; Structural Health Monitoring Technologies; Seismic Response of Structures and the Environment; Earthquake Engineering; Structural Identification; Analysis and Design of Strengthening for Structures; Assessment of Structures; Timber Structures; Structural Damage Detection and Identification; Computational Modelling for Nanotechnology; Modelling Mechanical Behaviour at the Nano- and Mesoscale; Railway Engineering; Optimal Structural Control under Stochastic Uncertainty; Model Predictive Structural Control (MPSC); Stochastic Mechanics and Reliability; Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment Fluid-Structure Interaction; Fire Structural Design; Multi-Scale Modelling, Multi-Scale Analysis; Safety Analysis.

Computer Sciences and Technology Management

Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, Computer Applications in Technology, Data Mining and Bioinformatics, Engineering Management and Economics, Environmental Engineering, Forensic Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Information Systems and Management, Information Technology, Instrumentation Engineering, Intelligent Engineering Informatics, Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining, Manufacturing Engineering, Remote Monitoring, Sensor Network, Soft computing and Engineering Education, Software Engineering; Digital Transformation Strategies; Digital Transformation Challenges; Cyber Security and Infrastructure; E-Business/ E-Commerce; Integrated Information System; Business Intelligence; Big Data Analysis; Digital Transformation and Governance; Business Analytics; Knowledge Management; Digital Transformation After COVID-19; and Technology & Innovation Management.


The International Conference on Applied Multidisciplinary Research (ICAMR-2022) is organized by the Department of Research and Development (DRD), of Kardan University, Kabul Afghanistan to be held on 20th September 2022, at Taimani Campus Conference Hall. Afghanistan is witnessing a tremendous shift in research trends and the country is in need of transformation to survive in today’s competitive world. There is an immediate need for multidisciplinary research to answer these and many other questions that Afghanistan currently faces. The conference attempts to bring together academicians, research scholars, policymakers, and industrial experts for collaborative research and expedite the flow of research.


At the heart of this conference, there is the belief that to capture the research trends, and their complexity and offer research-based solutions; we need to bridge different academic disciplines, vernacular knowledge and local expertise. This conference presents papers on different research areas through the intellectual prism. In this intellectual milieu, scholars from economics, management sciences, law, journalism, engineering, computer sciences and public policy have submitted articles/proposals examining multidisciplinary research trends.


In general, we adhere to the style-sheet principles laid down by the American Psychological Association (APA) (for details on the 7th edition, please consult: apastyle.apa.org ). In preparing your paper, please pay close attention to the following:


Please, try to make your paper as easy to read as possible. Use short headings and subheadings to make the structure of your article clear. If appropriate, illustrate your article with examples, diagrams, tables, etc. If you introduce a term that you think may not be familiar to some readers, give a short definition (if necessary, in a note at the end of the article or by adding a footnote).

Title, abstract, and keywords:

Please give your article a clear and informative title (not more than 100 characters without spaces). Begin your article with an abstract of between 150 to 200 words summarizing your main points. The abstract should provide a summary of the paper and its fundamental findings and conclusions. Do not include references or notes in the abstract. The abstract should appear before the main text of the paper and after the title and author statements. Also provide a brief list of keywords, right after the abstract. When your article is published, the title, abstract, and keywords will be published in the e-journal’s online index, and it is important that users of this index are able to locate your article among others dealing with related themes. Please use a basic, widely available font like Times New Roman, 12 points only.


Articles should be original and should not include libellous or defamatory material. All texts submitted by e-mail attachment should also have page numbers. Acronyms should be explained in their first use, as in ‘English as a Lingua Franca (ELF)’, allowing the use of ‘ELF’ later in the manuscript. Not all readers will be acquainted with even the most basic acronyms. Explain each and every first occurrence of these acronyms so readers will not become lost in an alphabet sea.

Headings and subheadings:

Type each heading and subheading on a separate line, ranging left. Please use numbering for headings and avoid excessive sub-division, as in ‘’, for instance.

References in the text:

Citations in the manuscript should appear in APA-style format

Biographical note:

Please include a short biographical note (of about 50 words)

VENUE: Taimani Campus, Conference Hall, Kardan University


Department of Research and Development(DRD), Kardan University
Parwane Du Square Kabul, Afghanistan
Email: icamr-22@kardan.edu.af
Cell # 0780737719/0731235536
Contact: Dr. Nassir Ul Haq Wani