Course Objectives
Audit framework and Standards
Planning and risk assessment
Internal control
Audit evidence
Review and reporting
Course Main Topics
1. The concept of audit and other assurance engagements
2. Types of Audits (External Audits, Statuary Audit, Internal Audit)
3. Corporate governance,
4. Professional ethics/ Code of Ethics and Conduct,
5. Obtaining, accepting, and continuing audit engagements
6. Objective and general principles
7. Assessing audit risks, Audit planning and documentation
8. Internal control systems
9. The use and evaluation of internal control systems, Tests of controls, Communication on internal control
10. Internal audit and governance and the differences between external audit and internal audit
11. Financial statement assertions and audit evidence
12. Audit procedures, Audit sampling and other means of testing
13. The audit of specific items
14. The work of others
15. NGOs/Not-for-profit organizations
16. Subsequent events
17. Going concern
18. Audit finalization and the final review
19. The Independent Auditor’s Report