Kardan University Conducts a Live Information Session on the Role of Media in Environmental Protection

Kardan University Conducts a Live Information Session on the Role of Media in Environmental Protection

Kardan University's Department of Journalism & Mass communication conducted a live open to the general public information session in collaboration with Kabul Environmental Protection Directorate on the role of Media in Environment Protection through Kardan University's Official Facebook Page on June 15, 2021. The purpose of the session was to initiate cross-sectorial dialogues on the environment-related SDGs with relevant key stakeholders and reach out to the general public. Those not studying at the university provide them with the opportunity to know about the SDGs and the role of media in protecting the environment.

Mr. Mohammad Kazim Humayun, Director of Kabul Environmental Protection Directorate, mentioned that environmental protection needs a collective effort between different sectors. Media can play a crucial role in mobilizing these efforts. There should be a genuine consensus about environmental protection among various public and private organizations working in this field. He also appreciated Kardan University's efforts to increase public awareness regarding protecting the environment and conduct environmental dialogues and campaigns to address the issues.

Mr. Noorullah Babakarkhail, Assistant Professor at Kardan University's Department of Journalism & Mass Communications, highlighted that environmental protection is not only the job of the government; instead, it's the responsibility of all people across Afghanistan to protect the environment, take part in awareness-raising activities, and use natural resources sustainably. 

Kardan University's Department of Journalism and Mass Communications, in line with the University's vision of excellence, is determined to comply with the new curriculum – to produce talented professionals committed to providing awareness, reporting updates on the current issues, and positively influencing society. The Department aims to equip its students with new journalistic skills to nurture their writing, critical thinking, and ability to build networks with different segments of society. Students have gained practical insights into the mass media during the past semesters, including print and electronic media outlets.

To learn more about our Bachelor's in Journalism & Mass Communications, please visit kardan.edu.af/Academics/bj.

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