From March 26 to 29, 2019, Kardan University’s COO, Mr. Mirwais Nahzat participated in the Regional Workshop on Promoting Higher Education and Skills Development in CAREC Countries, which was held by the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program in collaboration with the World Bank and Asian Development Bank in Bishkek, the Kyrgyz Republic.
Education officials from the 11 CAREC countries, development partners, academe, and private sector representatives met to deliberate on key challenges and opportunities for regional initiatives and collaborative actions in skills development, and higher education in the region.
Promoting mutual recognition of skills, enhancing labor market information and services, and improving student and faculty mobility were identified as key areas for cooperation going forward.
On the second day of the workshop, Mr. Nahzat talked about the academic challenges in the member countries and termed organizing of such events a positive step and very fruitful for creating regional cooperation in the higher education sector in Central Asian countries.
Kardan University, as the first and top-ranked private university of the country, is proud to have represented Afghanistan at different international forums regarding higher education.