Innovation Lab Organizes a Series of Training on Computer Fundamentals

Event Date 24 October, 2020
Event Duration Three Weeks
Venue Parwan-e-Du Campus

Kardan University's Innovation Lab plans to organize a three-week-long training on computer fundamentals for BCS first semester students starting on Saturday, October 24, 2020, in Parwan-e-Du Campus.

As part of the University's strategic goal to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG4: Quality Education, the training is open to the public and Computer Science students from other universities to benefit from this learning opportunity.

The innovation lab of Kardan University is a venue where students put their theoretical knowledge into practice and learn pragmatically. Such short-term training helps students extend their fundamental understanding of computers and facilitates the students' learning process.

To register for the program, please refer to the link: