Workshop on Job Search

Event Date 11 February, 2019
Event Duration 02:00 PM - 04:30 PM
Venue MBA Campus

Office of Career Services organizes one-day workshop on Job Search to assist students who do not know how or where to look for jobs and how to present their qualifications effectively to employers and recruiters.

Course Description

This workshop teaches techniques that help students find their own jobs. There are many students who may have the qualifications to hold a job, but have not been able to find steady employment in the job market.

During the workshop we help students to access the hidden job market, impress potential employers and recruiters, make connections in your field and successfully land a position that meets your needs and the various sources of job leads. Job seekers learn how to analyze and resolve their own particular unemployment problems.


Upon successful completion of this course, the participants will be able to:

-Develop the skills needed to find employment opportunities
-Understand and complete effective job applications (CV & Cover Letter)
-Research government and private sector employers
-Learn and apply effective job search tips
-Complete practical in-class job search assignment


- Develop a network and gain potential contacts for employment
- Cope with the stress of looking for job
- Access information and research potential employers

Who should attend?

This workshop is suitable for all students and alumni that would like to access the hidden job market and impress employers and recruiters to successfully land a position they desire.