Seminars on Experiential Learning in Management Education

Seminar Held on Experiential Learning in Management Education
Kardan University organized a two-day seminar on Experiential Learning in Management Education for faculty members of different departments where useful information was presented to participants. The seminar was conducted by Qais Mohammadi, Academic Administrator of Economics Faculty, and Edris Noori, Lecturer in Business Management on June 12th and 13th in Conference Hall Taimani Campus.

Qais Mohammadi and Edris Noori participated in a conference organized by the Global Business School Network (GBSN) in Mumbai India on April 4th and 5th. They shared practical information and relevant experiences with faculty members of Kardan University on contemporary learning approaches.

Experiential learning enhances mastering academic skills, leadership abilities, and teamwork mindset. It also helps students to unleash their potential and be able to work in different environments under stressful situations. In the first seminar, Mr. Mohammadi and Mr. Noori presented useful information on Experiential Learning in Management Education, The Role of Faulty in Experiential learning, Experiential Learning Models and Workshop Case “Your Actionable Ideas” to participants.

In the second seminar, the discussion was focused on Improving Student Learning Outcomes through Experiential Learning, Project-Based Experiential Learning Courses in the MBA Programs, and Building Experiential Learning Portfolio. Participating lecturers were then split into four groups and discussed how experiential learning should be applied in class and outside university premises. Some lecturers in the seminar believe that practical and useful information on Experiential Learning In Management Education is significantly important in improving effective learning.

Meanwhile, the conference organized by GBSN in Mumbai, India in April 2019, hosted renowned professors and lecturers from well-recognized universities from around the world. Participants had the chance to present their thoughts and ideas on Experiential Learning and to develop their already made approaches. It is also worth mentioning that Kardan University is a member of the GBSN, and participates in its annual gatherings and seminars.